Research Archive
Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"

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  • Nikolov, Roumen; Stefanov, Krassen (Proc. of IFIP WG3.3 Working Conference "Human Computer Interaction and Educational Tools", 1997-04-27)
    The power of the new Communication and Information Technologies influences human life and economy so deeply that makes all of us learners both as individuals and members of (real or virtual) learning communities and learning ...
  • Ratcheva, Desislava; Stefanova, Eliza; Nikolova, Iliana (ISSEP 2006: Informatics Education – The Bridge between Using and Understanding Computers, 2006)
    Information technologies revolution calls for new skills and teachers’ qualifications. In order to help secondary school education to meet the requirements raised by the changes in information and educational technologies, ...
  • Krasteva, Neviana (2013-03-20)
    Книгата „Търговия, маркетинг и продажби” разглежда основите на търговията, маркетинговата теория, същността на маркетинговата обкръжаваща среда и маркетинговите проучвания на различните видове пазари с предимство на ...
  • Mileva, Sonia (2013-04-21)
    Книгата включва анализ на видовете заведения за хранене и развлечения в сферата на туризма, нормативна уредба за откриване и управление на ресторантьорски обект.
  • Mileva, Sonia (2013-04-21)
    New information technologies radically change the model of tourist behavior primarily in terms of information search, purchase of travel products, consumption and saving experience. Although it is impossible to fully ...
  • Glavanakova, Alexandra (American Studies Association of Turkey, 2003)
  • Gourova, Elissaveta; Antonova, Albena (IV International Bulgarian-Greak Scientific Conference Computer Science’2008, 2008-09-18)
    The main aim of the paper is to raise some issues related to the access and usage of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in South-Eastern Europe. It is based on the results of a recent project and highlights ...
  • Nikolov, Roumen; Ilieva, Sylvia (ESEC/FSE 2007 Conference, Widened Software Engineering track, Dubrovnik, 2007-09-03)
    This paper analyses the specifics and the tendencies in building of the knowledge society and the role of the universities in this process. Some European policies and programs dedicated to the new role of the universities ...
  • Grigorov, Alexander; Georgiev, Atanas; Anagnostou, Panagiotis (Сборник “Моделиране и управление на информационните процеси”, 2010)
    Digital repositories find more and more applications in various information systems and especially in e-learning systems. Along with storing digital objects the repositories need to also to represent domain knowledge, user ...
  • Gourova, Elissaveta; Antonova, Albena; Nikolov, Roumen (International Scientific Conference Computer Science’2006, 2006)
    The present paper takes into account the skills sets needed for the knowledge society, and the focus on ICT and e-business skills, innovation and knowledge management in organizations. It highlights the related challenges ...
  • Kabakchieva, Dorina (Demetra EOOD, 2009)
    Telecommunication companies are operating today in an extremely challenging business environment. The Telecommunication industry is in possession of large quantities of data, generated from numerous operational systems, ...
  • Kabakchieva, Dorina (Demetra EOOD, 2009-10-29)
    Telecommunication companies are operating today in an extremely challenging business environment. The Telecommunication industry is in possession of large quantities of data, generated from numerous operational systems, ...
  • Tsvetanov, Yasen (2008-01-18)
    Traditional education forms the long-established fundament for achieving professional results. However, the dynamic changes in business environment constitute new learning requirements. Interdisciplinary learning is the ...
  • c 
    Mihaylova, Ivanka (2013-03-20)
    подчертава значимостта на подхода като ефективно средство за насърчаване на иновациите и предприемачество и за повишаване на конкурентоспособността на фирмите и индустриалните сектори; и разглежда прилагането на подхода в ...
  • Kassabova, Kamelia; Gerdzhikov, O.; Stefanov; Buzeva, T., (2013-04-11)
    Книгата дава подробна правна информация за правноорганизационния статут и поведение на капиталовите търговски дружества (ООД, АД и КДА). Изследвани са последователно учредяването на дружествата, тяхното управление и ...
  • Iliev, Martin; Krasteva, Iva; Ilieva, Sylvia (Demetra EOOD, 2009)
    Agile methodologies for software development meet the challenges of the current highly dynamic and competitive business environment. The aim of this case study is to improve existing software development process in a project ...
  • Nikolov, Roumen; Stefanov, Krassen; Kovatcheva, Eugenia; Stefanova, Eliza (Proceedings of 6th ICTPA’01, 2001)
    Structural changes in the Bulgarian society and the process of alignment to the European Union require development of flexible administrative structures that are able to adopt and renew permanently their management and ...
  • Boytcheva, Svetla; Dobrev, Pavlin; Angelova, Galia (Contributions to ICCS-2001, 9th International Conference of Conceptual Structures,, 2001-06-30)
    Automatic extraction of formal knowledge specifications from Natural Language (NL) text is a challenging research and development area. Currently the task is considered feasible for restricted NL input only. A number of ...
  • Koychev, Ivan (In: de Bra, P., Brusilovsky, P., Conejo, R. (eds.): Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web Based Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2002)
    The paper presents an algorithm for learning drifting and recurring user interests. The algorithm uses a prior-learning level to find out the current context. After that, searches into past observations for episodes that ...
  • Kraychev, Boris; Koychev, Ivan (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011, 2011)
    We present a method for automatic generation of sentiment aware lexicon based on 500’000 recent online user reviews about restaurants and hotels. The experiments include an implementation of a web crawler, part of speech ...