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Showing results 363 to 382 of 1814
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2003Query-Based Document Skimming: A User-Centred Evaluation of Relevance ProfilingHarper, David; Koychev, Ivan; Sun, Yixing
11-Sep-2010Query-Based Summarization: A surveyDamova, Mariana; Koychev, Ivan
2010Query-Based Summarization: A surveyDamova, Mariana; Koychev, Ivan
7-Jul-2004Question and test interoperability – organization, reuse andPetrov, Milen; Bontchev, Boyan
1-Oct-2014Reader in Introduction to General LinguisticsBagasheva, Alexandra
2007Reading America HypertextuallyGlavanakova, a
2011Reason-able View of Linked Data for Cultural HeritageDamova, Mariana; Dannells, Danna
4-Aug-2014Recommendations in social networks: an extra feature or an essential needChechev, Milen; Ivan, Koychev
2009Redefining the Role of Testers in Organisational Transition to Agile MethodologiesČaušević, Adnan; Sajeev, A.S.M.; Punnekkat, Sasikumar
15-Apr-2016RED LIST OF BULGARIAN ALGAE. II. MICROALGAE.Stoyneva-Gärtner, Maya P.; Isheva, Tsvetelina; Ivanov, Plamen; Uzunov, Blagoy A.; Dimitrova, Petya
2010Re-experiencing Engineering Inventions within a Modern Virtual EnvironmenBoytchev, Pavel; Armyanov, Peter
11-Sep-2010Re-experiencing Engineering Inventions within a Modern Virtual EnvironmentBoytchev, Pavel; Armyanov, Peter
Apr-2007Regional Policy: Actors, Institutions and Policy Making Structures in Bulgaria in Relation to EU MembershipGanev, Georgy; Primatarova, Antoinette
21-Apr-2013Relationship betveen the accounting reputation and cost-efficiency in the Bulgarian non-financial sector during the 1999-2005Kondzhov, Tony
1-Nov-2011Relationship between the accounting reputation and cost-efficiency in the Bulgarian non-financial sector during the 1999-2005Tony, Condjov
7-Dec-2004Remote or close control of students’ knowledge in ARCADEAleksieva, Adelina; Petrov, Milen; Mitchev, Alexander
20-Mar-2013Research of Marketing Strategies for Bulgarian Market Entry for Modern Store Chains (nanomarketing),Krasteva, Neviana; Georgiev, Atanas; Mladenova, Irena
11-Sep-2010Research Phases of University Data Mining Project DevelopmentKabakchieva, Dorina; Stefanova, Kamelia; Kissimov, Valentin; Nikolov, Roumen
2010Research Phases of University Data Mining Project DevelopmentKabakchieva, Dorina; Stefanova, Kamelia; Kissimov, Valentin; Nikolov, Roumen
11-Apr-2013Responsibility for execution of a payment order with wrong IBAN. Journal “Commercial and competition law”, № 9, p. 18-27 (in Bulgarian)Kassabova, Kamelia
Showing results 363 to 382 of 1814
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