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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20182-карбамидо-1,3-индандион - потенциален биомаркер и антитуморен агент. Квантово-химично моделиране на негови комплекси с нуклеотидите на ДНК и РНКСтоянова-Нанкова, Нина; Енчев, Венелин [Научен ръководител]; Маркова, Надежда [Научен ръководител]
21-Apr-2013300 ВЪПРОСА,3000 ОТГОВОРА Наръчник за явяване на интервютаVedar, Olympia
27-Sep-20073rd Balkan Conference in Informatics (BCI'2007)Stefanova, Eliza
20114-Стирил-2(3H)-бензотиазолони с потенциална противотуморна активностАнгелова, Анита; Петров, Огнян [Научен ръководител]; Герова, Мариана [Научен ръководител]
18-Jan-2008Academic Business ProcessesTsvetanov, Yasen
29-Oct-2009A Case Study on the Adoption of Measurable Agile Software Development ProcessIliev, Martin; Krasteva, Iva; Ilieva, Sylvia
13-Feb-2013Accounting treatment of forests in Republic of BulgariaStancheva, Eleonora; Ankova, Iliyana; Yaneva, Dafina
2013A Collection of Works by Teaching Staff Members In the Department of Library Science, Scientific Information and Cultural Policy-
2010Acquiring Implicit Knowledge by Cognitive Semantics MappingVoinov, Alexander; Gavrilova, Tatiana
11-Apr-2013Actio pro socio in article 240а оf Commercial Law. Journal “Commercial and competition law”, № 7 (in Bulgarian)Kassabova, Kamelia
11-Sep-2010Adaptability Approaches in Digital LibrariesBoytchev, Pavel; Grigorov, Alexander; Earp, Jeffrey; Stefanov, Krassen; Georgiev, Atanas
2010Adaptability Approaches in Digital LibrariesBoytchev, Pavel; Grigorov, Alexander; Earp, Jeffrey; Stefanov, Krassen; Georgiev, Atanas
2000Adaptation to Drifting User's InterestsSchwab, Ingo; Koychev, Ivan
23-Sep-2009Adaptive courseware design based on learner characterBontchev, Boyan; Vassileva, Dessislava
2011Ad-hoc Radial Visualization of SCORM Objects with Extended Search and Keywords HandlingAngelov, Ivan; Ganchev, Ivan
11-Sep-2010Advanced Approach for Effective Verification of Component Based Software SystemsPavlova, Irena; Dimov, Aleksandar
2010Advanced Approach for Effective Verification of Component Based Software SystemsPavlova, Irena; Dimov, Aleksandar
20-Mar-2013Affective balances in experimental consumer choicesMengov, George; Egbert, Henrik; Pulov, S; Georgiev, K
26-Mar-2013A Global University for a Global VillageVladimirov, Zheliu; Umpleby, S.,; Mekhonoshin, K.
Showing results 1 to 20 of 1814
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