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Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"

Потребителското удовлетворение в експериментални условия.

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Show simple item record Georgiev, N Mengov, George
dc.coverage.spatial bulgarian bg 2013-03-20T15:55:22Z 2013-03-20T15:55:22Z 2013-03-20
dc.description Георгиев, Н. и Менгов, Г. (2012) Потребителското удовлетворение в експериментални условия. Годишник на СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“ – Стопански факултет, (ISSN 1311-8420), [под печат]. Georgiev, N.G. and Mengov, G. (2011) Consumer satisfaction in experimental setting. Yearbook of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, vol. 10. [forthcoming]. bg
dc.description.abstract We conducted an experiment in economic psychology investigating the role of consumer satisfaction in the choice of future supplier of a fictitious good. By adopting a statistical approach with an econometric slant, we obtained a regression model achieving Radj2 of almost 0.80, a figure which was confirmed with an additional test sample. Further, a multinomial logit model predicted correctly which supplier among four competitors would be chosen in 37.87% of all 272 cases, a substantial increase above the 25% prior probability. Yet, certain methodological issues have emerged that cannot be easily dealt with within the traditional statistical approach bg
dc.language.iso bg bg
dc.subject Consumer satisfaction bg
dc.subject Economic experiment bg
dc.subject Multinomial logit modelling bg
dc.subject Econometrics bg
dc.title Потребителското удовлетворение в експериментални условия. bg
dc.type journal article bg
dc.source.peerreview yes bg
dc.source.impactfactor yes bg

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