We conducted an experiment in economic psychology investigating the role of consumer satisfaction in the choice of future supplier of a fictitious good. By adopting a statistical approach with an econometric slant, we obtained a regression model achieving Radj2 of almost 0.80, a figure which was confirmed with an additional test sample. Further, a multinomial logit model predicted correctly which supplier among four competitors would be chosen in 37.87% of all 272 cases, a substantial increase above the 25% prior probability. Yet, certain methodological issues have emerged that cannot be easily dealt with within the traditional statistical approach
Георгиев, Н. и Менгов, Г. (2012) Потребителското удовлетворение в експериментални условия. Годишник на СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“ – Стопански факултет, (ISSN 1311-8420), [под печат].
Georgiev, N.G. and Mengov, G. (2011) Consumer satisfaction in experimental setting. Yearbook of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, vol. 10. [forthcoming].