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Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"

Browsing Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics by Issue Date

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Browsing Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics by Issue Date

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  • Добрев, Красимир (Софийски Университет „Св. Климент Охридски”, 2006-07-19)
    През изминалите години се наблюдава бурно развитие на теорията на уейвлетите и навлизането им в много сфери на компютърните науки, например компресия на данни, изчистване на шум и др, вкл. при обработката на медицински ...
  • Antonova, Albena; Gourova, Elissaveta; Nikolov, Roumen (3rd E-Learning Conference, 2006-09-07)
    In the last decades, learning and knowledge have become key success factors for international competitiveness with the result that intangible and immaterial resources have overtaken physical and tangible assets in order ...
  • Ruskov, Petko; Tsvetanov, Yasen (The Second National Conference with International Participation on E-learning in Higher Education, 2006-09-14)
    This paper presents the possibility for modeling the educational processes as a value added chain
  • Petrov, Milen (9th Intl. Conference ICL2006 (Interactive Computer Aided Leaerning), IEEE Student Track, 2006-09-27)
    Current paper presents a research in the area of e-learning interoperability, and more concrete in assessment area. As first there is reviewed state-of-the-art in specifications, managed by IMS consortium. Next there are ...
  • Койчев, Иван (Сборник с доклади от Национална конференция “Образованието в информационното общество”, 2006-10-13)
    Компютърните игри са сред най-популярните забавления не само за младите, а и за хората в по-напреднала възраст. Въпросът, който ние често си задаваме е - дали те са само забавление или могат да ни научат на нещо полезно. ...
  • Лаврова, Антония (Софийски университет “Св. Климент Охридски”, 2006-10-16)
    През последните 15 години софтуерът се използва все повече в продукти, които традиционно са предмет на разбработване от механиката и електроинженерството. Това важи особено за автомобилната индустрия, където голяма част ...
  • Иванов, Добрин (С О Ф И Й С К И У Н И В Е Р С И Т Е Т " С В . К Л И М Е Н Т О Х Р И Д С К И ", 2006-10-16)
    Една част от дипломната работа се състои в проучване на специфичните нужди от софтуер за планиране и управление на проекти в областта на висшето образование и научните изследвания, които се разработват на колективна ...
  • Канова, Стефка (С О Ф И Й С К И У Н И В Е Р С И Т Е Т " С В . К Л И М Е Н Т О Х Р И Д С К И ", 2006-10-16)
    Съвременните бизнес системи ползват огромни и сложни бази от данни, което прави ползването на софтуер за моделиране и проектиране на базата абсолютно наложително. Целта на настоящата дипломна работа е да се проучи и ...
  • Михайлов, Станислав (СУ „Св. Климент Охридски”, 2006-10-16)
    В настоящата дипломна работа е представена една система за управление на складове, стоки, клиенти и поръчки. Целта на дипломната работа е да се реализира система за управление на стоки и поръчки, като основните функции ...
  • Дамянова, Виктория (2006-11-07)
    "ЕВРОПЕЙСКИ ФОНДОВЕ И РЕГИОНАЛНО РАЗВИТИЕ", с поглед насочен към бъдещото ни членство в ЕС
  • Stefanov, Krassen; Naskinova, Irina; Nikolov, Roumen (Proc. of IMICT 2007, Boston, 2007)
    In this paper we are giving an example of how Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can enhance the process of Teacher training, and how this can be used for Lifelong Competence Development of teachers. We ...
  • Nikolov, Roumen (Proc. of IMICT 2007, Boston, 2007)
    This paper aims at analyzing the Web 2.0 based distance education in the K-12 schools as an emerging phenomenon that catalyzes a new educational reform all over the world. Some pre-Web 2.0 best practice examples are ...
  • Sendova, Evgenia; Stefanova, Eliza; van Diepen, Nico (Faleza-office 2000, 2007)
    This handbook is intended for teachers and teacher trainers who would like to implement practical methods, methodological tools, and software instruments to support their students in building ICT-enhanced skills and ...
  • Stefanova, Eliza; Sendova, Evgenia; Nikolova, Iliana; Nikolova, Nikolina (Benzie D. and Iding M. (Eds). Joint IFIP Conference: WG3.1 Secondary Education, WG3.5 Primary Education: Informatics, Mathematics, and ICT: a ‘golden triangle’ IMICT 2007 Proceeding, 2007)
    The paper presents research findings and pilot experiences related to the development and validation of an innovative methodology for building ICT-enhanced skills. The concept of ICT-enhanced skills and the essence of ...
  • Boytchev, Pavel (3rd Balkan Conference in Informatics BCI'2007, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2007)
    The phrase Lorem Ipsum comes from the classical Latin literature and has been used by Cicero more than 2000 years ago. Since 1500’s Lorem Ipsum was used as a dummy text in order to visualize the graphical layout through ...
  • Boytchev, Pavel (11th European Logo Conference EuroLogo 2007, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 2007)
    How do we teach children to express and communicate ideas in a formal and informal mode? What type of language do they need in a concrete context? How should they determine a proper level of formalization of their descriptions? ...
  • Boytchev, Pavel (Enhancing Spatial Imagination of Young Students by Activities in 3D Elica Applications, 2007)
    The paper presents research activities carried out within DALEST Developing an Active Learning Environment for the Learning of Stereometry).Some of the computer 3D applications based on Elica are considered together with ...
  • Boytchev, Pavel (Design and Implementation of a Logo-based Computer Graphics Course, 2007)
    Two years ago the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at Sofia University makes a decision to design a new series of Logo-based courses which make use of the modern technology. The pedagogical component of the challenge ...
  • Boytchev, Pavel (8th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching, ICTMT 2007, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, 2007)
    The purpose of the present study was twofold; first to examine students’ mathematization processes as they worked on a mathematical modelling problem and second to investigate students’ interactions with Potters Wheel, ...
  • Boytchev, Pavel (Developing an Active Learning Environment for the Learning of Stereometry, 2007)
    This paper reports on the design of a dynamic environment for the learning of stereometry (DALEST) and the teaching of spatial geometry and visual thinking. The development of the software was in the framework of DALEST ...

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