The phrase Lorem Ipsum comes from the classical Latin literature and has been used by Cicero more
than 2000 years ago. Since 1500’s Lorem Ipsum was used as a dummy text in order to visualize the
graphical layout through a meaningless text. The goal was to let readers concentrate on the visual
representation only. The current paper focuses on the Lorem Ipsum problem in modern Logo
implementations. Most of them seem to focus on the semantics of the Logo language paying less
attention to the quality of the graphical output. The Turtle Graphics is typical for Logos to the extent
that many people think they are two names for the same thing. Unfortunately Turtle Graphics did not
change significantly since its introduction decades ago. And yet, it remains the only graphical
instrumentarium of Logo. The Lorem Ipsum Logos is actually an attempt to introduce virtual reality
and photo-realism to Logo users. Discussed are programs which can be treated entirely as a Lorem
Ipsum text – the focus is entirely on the graphical result, and no source code it shown. Demonstrated
are various techniques to achieve realism in the creation of Logo-based animations and 3D scenes. It is
believed, that when users see and explore the other side of Logo, its Lorem Ipsum face, they will start
to dare using Logo for solving an entirely new range of problems – problems, which match more
closely to the interest of contemporary people.