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Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"

Browsing Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics by Issue Date

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Browsing Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics by Issue Date

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  • Цветанов, Ясен (2008-01-18)
    Докладът ще засегне частично тематиката за същността на стратегическото планиране като процес и преките следствия от него. Стратегическото планиране представлява сложен и комплексен процес, който поставя основата и насоката ...
  • Цветанов, Ясен (2008-01-18)
    Иновациите в съвременния свят, се свързват основно с използването или внедряването на техника или технологии. Има мнение, че прогреса се дължи най-вече на технологичните иновации. Инвестициите от страна на фирмите в ...
  • Tsvetanov, Yasen (2008-01-18)
    Traditional education forms the long-established fundament for achieving professional results. However, the dynamic changes in business environment constitute new learning requirements. Interdisciplinary learning is the ...
  • Цветанов, Ясен (2008-01-18)
    Всеки човек извършва ежедневно различни дейности. Повечето от тях се извършват подсъзнателно, без да се осмислят. Най-простият пример за това е храненето, пиенето на вода или дишането. Ако се вгледаме обаче по-внимателно ...
  • Sendova, Evgenia; Stefanova, Eliza; Boytchev, Pavel; Nikolova, Nikolina; Kovatcheva, Eugenia (Proceeding of 6th International Conference for Informatics and Information Technology (CIIT 2008), 2008-02-10)
    The paper deals with addressing the most typical limitations and challenges the ICT teachers in Bulgaria (and all over the world) are confronted with. A set of ICT textbooks and supporting instrumentarium for 5th, 6th ...
  • Gourova, Elissaveta; Antonova, Albena (Proc. of 6th International Conference “Challenges in Higher Education and Research in the 21st Century”, 2008-06-01)
    The paper will focus on four topics: It will initially consider knowledge management (KM) challenges and benefits. Second, it will present the approach for building KM curricula within the project TRAINMOR KNOWMORE. It ...
  • Григорова, Ася (Софийски университет "СВ.Климент Охридски", 2008-06-23)
    Един от най-важните компоненти се явява базата данни на една компания. В нея е съсредоточено огромно количество информация. Много от тези данни се явяват конфиденциална информация и нейното разкриване може да донесе на ...
  • Stefanov, Krassen; Nikolova, Nikolina; Ilieva, Miroslava; Stefanova, Eliza (2008-07)
    This paper presents the results of a pre-pilot experiment offered in Bulgaria for teachers’ trainers who have to update their skills using ICT in teaching. The pre-pilot became a synergy of results of two European projects ...
  • Sendova, Evgenia; Stefanova, Eliza; Nikolova, Nikolina; Kovatcheva, Eugenia (Springer, 2008-07)
    The paper presents pilot experiences related to an educational methodology developed within the European Innovative Teacher (I*Teach) project for building ICT-enhanced skills [1]. The methodology is presented in the context ...
  • Sendova, Evgenia; Stefanova, Eliza; Nikolova, Nikolina; Kovatcheva, Eugenia (R.T. Mittermeir and M.M. Sysło (Eds.): ISSEP 2008, LNCS 5090, pp. 99–109, 2008., 2008-07-01)
    The paper presents pilot experiences related to an educational methodology developed within the European Innovative Teacher (I*Teach) project for building ICT-enhanced skills [1]. The methodology is presented in the ...
  • Yordanova, Stanimira (Bulgarian Academy of Science, 2008-09-03)
    The 7FP project SISTER focuses, especially, on strengthening the PhD and PostDoc level of education and training of researchers, and thus attracting more young scientists to the research profession and retaining them. The ...
  • Lekova, A.; Georgieva, O. (Fourth International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Systems, 2008-09-06)
    Mobile Wireless Networks (MWNs) context awareness will enable services or applications to adapt their behavior to the network situation by reconfiguring their underlying protocols. We studied whether high-level ...
  • Vassileva, Dessislava; Bontchev, Boyan; Grigorov, Slavomir (6th Int. Conference on Emerging e-learning Technologies and Applications, The High Tatras, Slovakia, 2008-09-11)
    One of the still open gaps in modern e-learning platforms is the lack of adaptation of learning process regarding well-structured learner models. The paper presents an adaptive model of hypermedia learning courseware and ...
  • Gourova, Elissaveta; Antonova, Albena (IV International Bulgarian-Greak Scientific Conference Computer Science’2008, 2008-09-18)
    The main aim of the paper is to raise some issues related to the access and usage of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in South-Eastern Europe. It is based on the results of a recent project and highlights ...
  • Nikolov, Roumen (Stimulating Personal Development and Knowledge Sharing, 2008-10-30)
    The paper describes a model of implementation of the European e-Competence Framework in Sofia University by using the methodology and tools developed in the frames of the EC Sixth Framework European Integrated Project ...
  • Yordanova, Stanimira (2008-10-30)
    This workshop is organized by the EU 6th Framework Integrated Project TENCompetence ( The goal of the workshop is to identify and analyse state-of-the-art research and technologies in the fields that ...
  • Николова, Надя (2008-10-30)
    "УСКОРЯВАНЕ НА ИКОНОМИЧЕСКОТО РАЗВИТИЕ ЧРЕЗ ИНОВАЦИИ И ТЕХНОЛОГИЧЕН ТРАНСФЕР" е мотото, под което тази година ще премине инициативата. Събитието ще насърчи иновативното мислене, ще популяризира успешни български и европейски ...
  • Kovatcheva, Eugenia; Nikolov, Roumen (Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on e-Learning,, 2008-11-06)
    This paper deals with issues related to the non-formal learning in vocational education, and the role of ICT for providing appropriate accreditation model in such education. The presented conclusions are based on the ...
  • Aleksieva-Petrova, Adelina; Petrov, Milen (2008-12-23)
    This paper presents the service-oriented architecture for tools that supports assessment activities in learning process and learning outcomes, suitable for lifelong competence development. To address this more general ...
  • Petrov, Milen; Aleksieva-Petrova, Adelina (2008-12-23)
    In this paper, we describe the software architecture for system which supports non traditional form of assessment named e-portfolio. The architecture model is described through three views: use case view, logical view and ...

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