Research Archive
Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"

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  • Kamenov, D; Mileva, Sonia (2013-04-21)
    Първа по рода си монография на български език за туристическата анимация като възможност за повишаване ефективността и ефикасността на туристическата дейност. Специално внимание е отделено на детската, спортната, творческата, ...
  • Ribov M.; Mileva S. (2013-04-21)
    Монографията представлява комплексно теоретико-методологическото изследване на авторски колектив на туристическата политика, стопанските субекти и структурите на управление на туризма, стратегическото и тактическо осигуряване ...
  • Ribov, M; Mileva, Sonia (2013-04-21)
    В монографията са намерили място теоретико-методологически и практико-приложни проблеми на туроператорската, агентска и транспортна дейност в контекста на съвременните тенденции на развитие на туризма. Във връзка с тях са ...
  • Mladenova, Zoya (Publishing house "St. Kliment Ohridski", 2008-10-01)
    The paper focuses on foreign direct investment (FDI) policy in Bulgaria. At first an analysis is made of national FDI policy since the beginning of the market transformation. Particular attention is paid to the last changes ...
  • Mihnev, Pencho; Nikolov, Roumen (IFIP Book Series, Lifelong Learning in the Digital Age, Springer Boston, 2004, pp. 169-178, 2003-07-07)
    The paper conceptualises on the experiences of the Centre of Information Society Technologies (CIST), Sofia University, Bulgaria, in serving the learning and training needs of non-university audiences who fall in ...
  • Bontchev, Boyan; Vassileva, Dessislava (, Proc of CSEDU International Conference on Computer Supported Education, 2010-04-07)
    In last twenty years, researchers have conducted intensive research in the area of principal models, software architectures and practical system development of adaptive e-learning platforms. Brains are fascinated by great ...
  • Dichev, Christo; Bhattarai, Bandana; Clonch, Curan; Dicheva, Darina (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011, 2011)
    Availability and open access to resources is an important factor in educational development, but not a sufficient solution by itself. Open educational practices need to be fostered by an appropriate supportive environment ...
  • Allen, Stephen; Tanev, Stoyan; Bailetti, Tony (Demetra EOOD, 2009)
    Value co-creation, is an emerging innovation, marketing and business paradigm describing how customers and users are seen as active participants in the design of personalized products, services and experiences (Prahalad & ...
  • Paulin, Alois (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011, 2011)
    The research presented in this paper aims towards defining a governmental platform that would satisfy the need for a flexible and participative infrastructure for governing a modern society based on the rule-of-law and ...
  • Nikolov, Roumen (IPROF-09: ICT Professionalism: a Global Challenge, 2009-02-12)
    The paper analyses the need of an institutional change of the universities in order to adapt to the current requirements of networked and knowledge economy. The e-Learning phenomenon and the ICT driven global educational ...
  • Nikolov, Roumen (Proc. of IMICT 2007, Boston, 2007)
    This paper aims at analyzing the Web 2.0 based distance education in the K-12 schools as an emerging phenomenon that catalyzes a new educational reform all over the world. Some pre-Web 2.0 best practice examples are ...
  • Koychev, Ivan; Lothian, Robert (XXII: Proceedings of the 25th SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI-2005),, 2005-12)
    This paper addresses the task of learning concept descriptions from streams of data. As new data are obtained the concept description has to be updated regularly to include the new data. In this case we can face the problem ...
  • Ivanova, Maria (2013-03-20)
    This paper aims to bind economic ideas outside of the mainstream with the established techniques of input-output analysis. New Institutional Economics brings out the concept of transaction costs as those costs that economic ...
  • Egbert, Henrik; Ivanova, maria (2013-03-20)
    We compare transaction employment in the USA and Bulgaria from 1997 to 2006. Transaction employment reflects the labour inputs which are necessary to run institutions in a national economy. We measure these inputs as a ...
  • Ivanova, Maria; Egbert, Henrik (2013-02-13)
    We compare transaction employment in the USA and Bulgaria from 1997 to 2006. Transaction employment reflects the labour inputs which are necessary to run institutions in a national economy. We measure these inputs as a ...
  • Toshkov, Luben; Ignatov, Zvetan (Publishing house "St. Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, 2009-12)
    The paper has a discussive character. In the first part it has been attempted to argue an opinion that the statistics of households budgets in Bulgaria du not give a possibility to appear explicitly the real trend of ...
  • Stefanov, Krassen; Nikolova, Nikolina; Ilieva, Miroslava; Stefanova, Eliza (2008-07)
    This paper presents the results of a pre-pilot experiment offered in Bulgaria for teachers’ trainers who have to update their skills using ICT in teaching. The pre-pilot became a synergy of results of two European projects ...
  • Vladimirov, Zhelyu (Publishing house "St. Kliment Ohridski", 2008-10-01)
    The main goal of this paper is to study the impact of the internationally recognized quality standards on small business. The reason for this interest came from the challenges, which those standards pose to the enterprises ...
  • Vladimirov, Zheliu (2013-03-26)
    The main goal of this paper is to study the impact of the internationally recognized quality standards on small business. The reason for this interest came from the challenges, which those standards pose to the enterprises ...