Research Archive
Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"

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  • Ganeva, Ralitsa; Ganev, Kaloyan (Publishing house "St. Kliment Ohridski", 2008-10-01)
    In this paper we introduce additional parameters of the economic environment related to some notion of “distance” to institutions in a simple formal model. This distance could be viewed as an uneven spatial distribution ...
  • Mangione, Giuseppina Rita; Pierri, Anna; Salerno, Saverio (Demetra EOOD, 2009)
    In the Knowledge Society the worker should benefit from learning experiences which intersect formal learning moments with both individual and collaborative informal learning, according to a vision of authentic lifelong ...
  • Afshana Syed Hussain, Hussain; Vassileva, Julita (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011, 2011)
    We know that the elderly comprise the highest proportion of television viewers. In the past we have witnessed elderly people struggling with the new technologies and outright rejecting technologies as a result of its ...
  • Karagiozov, Diman (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011, 2011)
    Modern web application hype revolves around a rich user interface experience. A lesser-known aspect of modern applications is the use of techniques that enable the intelligent processing of information and add value that ...
  • Ali, Waris; Koychev, Ivan (Sofia University, 2010-09-11)
    Nowadays a lot of systems are available for searching e-books, but the ways to retrieve relevant and meaningful information are difficult. To cope with this problem of retrieving relevant information efficiently we ...
  • Ali, Waris; Koychev, Ivan (Demetra EOOD, 2010)
    Nowadays a lot of systems are available for searching e-books, but the ways to retrieve relevant and meaningful information are difficult. To cope with this problem of retrieving relevant information efficiently we proposed ...
  • Trifonov, T; Georgiev, K; Mengov, George (2013-03-20)
    This work continues a series of papers about a neural network that incorporates adaptive resonance theory (ART) as a system of ordinary differential equations. The original, Exact ART, requires huge computational resources ...
  • Zafirova-Malcheva, Temenuzhka; Kovatcheva, Eugenia; Stefanova, Eliza; Nikolova, Nikolina (Demetra EOOD, 2010)
    The article presents main stages in the process of the development the user interface of the Share.TEC ontology based portal for teacher educators. The paper discusses how the various ideas were born, what types of challenges ...
  • Mileva, Sonia (2013-04-21)
    Монографията има за цел да представи общи теоретични постановки, основани на конкретна фактология и данни за развитието на международния туризъм, които да разкрият значимостта на отрасъла като съвременно обществено явление. ...
  • Petrov, Milen (9th Intl. Conference ICL2006 (Interactive Computer Aided Leaerning), IEEE Student Track, 2006-09-27)
    Current paper presents a research in the area of e-learning interoperability, and more concrete in assessment area. As first there is reviewed state-of-the-art in specifications, managed by IMS consortium. Next there are ...
  • Glavanakova, Alexandra (Plovdiv: Zombori, 2002)
  • Mengov, George (2013-03-20)
    This chapter comprises a tutorial for young researches who try to orient themselves in the field of scientific methods and instruments. We gave an example how introducing a new instrument from psychology augments our ...
  • Georgieva, Maria (2014-07-03)
  • Petranov, Stefan; Karaivanov, V (2013-04-21)
    Ръководството е допълнение към учебника “Инвестиции. Теория и пректика на финсовите пазари и инструменти” от С. Петранов. Предназначено е да развие конкретни, практически умения за прилагане на инвестиционната теория. ...
  • Митрева, Мария; Караджова, Ирина [Научен ръководител]; Апостолова, Маргарита [Научен ръководител] (Софийски университет "Св. Климент Охридски", 2013)
  • Todorova, Polya (Publishing house "St. Kliment Ohridski", 2008-10-01)
  • Sendova, Evgenia; Stefanova, Eliza; van Diepen, Nico (Faleza-office 2000, 2007)
    This handbook is intended for teachers and teacher trainers who would like to implement practical methods, methodological tools, and software instruments to support their students in building ICT-enhanced skills and ...
  • Sendova, Evgenia; Stefanova, Eliza; Boytchev, Pavel; Nikolova, Nikolina; Kovatcheva, Eugenia (Proceeding of 6th International Conference for Informatics and Information Technology (CIIT 2008), 2008-02-10)
    The paper deals with addressing the most typical limitations and challenges the ICT teachers in Bulgaria (and all over the world) are confronted with. A set of ICT textbooks and supporting instrumentarium for 5th, 6th ...
  • Boytchev, P.; Kamenova, S.; Sendova, E.; Stefanova, E.; Kovatcheva, E.; Nikolova, N. (Proceedings of International Conference for Interactive Computer Aided learning – The Challenges of Life Long Learning ICL 2009, 2009-01-01)
    The paper presents a novel approach based on using a single educational environment to achieve various methods for supporting educational activities – exploring prebuilt learning modules, using authoring tools to create ...
  • Карабашев, Иво (Софийски университет “Св. Климент Охридски”, 2005-09-09)
    Настоящата дипломна работа описва система за проследяване и събиране на статистическа информация от Java приложения. Теоретично се изследват проблемите с неефективното използване на ограничените ресурси при разработване ...