Research Archive
Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"

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  • Todorova, Albena; Osburg, Thomas (Demetra EOOD, 2010)
    Empirically-based and theoretical approaches to the question how to prepare young people to succeed in the conditions of global knowledge economy argue for a more pronounced role of formal education in developing students’ ...
  • Egbert, Henrik; Mengov, George (2013-03-20)
    This article investigates the role that emotions play in economic decisions. In a computer-based experiment, our participants were the consumers of a fictitious service bearing resemblance to what the mobile phone operators’ ...
  • Симеонов, Иво (С О Ф И Й С К И У Н И В Е Р С И Т Е Т " С В . К Л И М Е Н Т О Х Р И Д С К И ", 2007-02-12)
    Широкото разпространение на езика за програмиране Java наложи разработката на платформи, върху която да може да се разработват промишлени (enterprise) приложения. Основна част от такива платформи заема EJB Container ...
  • Nikolova, Iliana; Nikolov, Roumen; Kovatcheva, Eugenia (Proceedings, 2-nd Balkan Conference on Informatics, 2005-11-17)
    The paper discusses design and implementation issues of a university course on elearning, delivered in mixed mode. Reflections on teacher and student experiences are made and conclusions are drawn with regard to content, ...
  • Nikolova, Iliana; Nikolov, Roumen; Kovatcheva, Eugenia (In Proceedings, 2-nd Balkan Conference on Informatics,, 2005)
    The paper discusses design and implementation issues of a university course on e-learning, delivered in mixed mode. Reflections on teacher and student experiences are made and conclusions are drawn with regard to content, ...
  • Nikolova, Iliana; Luck, Petra; Kovatcheva, Eugenia (Proceedings of International Conference on E-learning, 2005-09-07)
    The paper discusses design and development issues of a course intended for mixed delivery (face-to-face and online) and aiming at enhancing management skills of early years practitioners in order to enhance their labor ...
  • Yakova, Zornitsa; Peltekova, Elitsa (Sofia University, 2010-09-11)
    This paper deals with the e-learning software tool Packet Tracer and how it helps in the development of a complex skill-based assessment for a network competition. As networking systems continue to evolve in complexity ...
  • Герджиков, Цветелин; Спасов, Тони [Научен ръководител] (Софийски университет "Св. Климент Охридски", 2015)
  • Zhelev, Zhelyazko; Stoyanova, Vera (Sofia University, 2010-09-11)
    Upon its entry to the European Union, Bulgaria was presented with the challenge of intensive interaction with foreigners, so, speaking fluently several languages became a must. This paper presents a software application ...
  • Zhelev, Zhelyazko; Stoyanova, Vera (Demetra EOOD, 2010)
    Upon its entry to the European Union, Bulgaria was presented with the challenge of intensive interaction with foreigners, so, speaking fluently several languages became a must. This paper presents a software application ...
  • Stefanova, Eliza; Boytchev, Pavel; Nikolova, Nikolina; Kovatcheva, Eugenia; Sendova, Evgenia (Proceeding of International conference on Multimedia and Information technologies in Education (m-ICTE), 2009-01-01)
    The paper deals with effective ways of overcoming the most typical challenges the ICT teachers are confronted with. Based on their experience the authors claim that appropriately designed methodology, textbooks and ...
  • Reeves-Ellington, Richard; Palmer, Gillian; Nikolov, Roumen (The 2002 Conference of the International Academy of E-Business, Orlando, 2002-03-06)
    Technology innovation drives the current elearning market but recent events suggest this model is failing economically. Alternately a market driven by learners, rather than technology is more likely to be competitive and ...
  • Stefanov, Krassen; Nikolov, Roumen; Boytchev, Pavel; Stefanova, Eliza; Georgiev, Atanas; Nikolova, Nikolina; Grigorov, Alexandar (IEEE Catalog Number: CFP11578-CDR, 2011-08-04)
    The paper presents a digital repository of metadata resources for teachers education, as well as a portal for the community of practices, build around the repository. Both the repository and the community are developed in ...
  • Dimov, Aleksandar (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011, 2011)
    Each software system needs an evaluation of its non-functional characteristics. Reliability is one such important non-functional characteristic and currently there exist a lot of models that asses it from different ...
  • Mileva, Sonia (2013-04-21)
    Brief analysis of Bulgarian tourism industry as an engine for development and competitiveness. The target is to demonstrate the possibilities and attractiveness of Tourism for potential foreign investors.
  • Boytchev, Pavel (Enhancing Spatial Imagination of Young Students by Activities in 3D Elica Applications, 2007)
    The paper presents research activities carried out within DALEST Developing an Active Learning Environment for the Learning of Stereometry).Some of the computer 3D applications based on Elica are considered together with ...
  • Davidkov, Tsvetan (Publishing house "St. Kliment Ohridski", 2008-10-01)
    In this study we explore the contradictory nature of entrepreneurial labour. The following characteristics are substantiated as typical for entrepreneurial labour. Entrepreneurial labour is project oriented. Decision-making ...
  • Piryan, Armenuhi (Publishing house "St. Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, 2009-12)
    The paper examines the essence of the exchange, in particular the stock exchange, its establishment and specifics. The main accent is on the Bulgarian stock exchange. From legislative perspective there are two main periods ...
  • Petranov, Stefan (2013-04-21)
    За първи път в българската икономическа литература се представят отговарящи на строги статистически критерии оценки на бета коефициентите (корегирани и некорегирани) на български публични дружества. Оценките се отнасят за ...
  • Damyanova, Victoria (2004-11-04)
    Европейският ден на предприемача е инициатива, която има дълги традиции в Обединена Европа. Това събитие се организира в рамките на мрежата PAXIS, която цели популяризиране на успешни модели за създаване и развитие на нови ...