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Title: Data Driven User Requirements Specification in the UNITE Project.
Authors: Iliev, Trayan
Gachev, Georgi
Nikolova, Iliana
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: Book of Abstracts, International Conference “Pioneers of the Bulgarian Mathematics
Citation: T. Iliev, G. Gachev, I. Nikolova (2006). Data Driven User Requirements Specification in the UNITE Project. Book of Abstracts, International Conference “Pioneers of the Bulgarian Mathematics”, pp. 56-57
Abstract: The talk describes the process of user requirements specification in the UNITE project. The UNITE system - an integrated system for authoring and delivery of high quality eLearning activities for the secondary school students - consists of three main components: Software Platform, Pedagogical Framework and Learning Scenarios. The unique needs of the UNITE project demand a specification process that is capable to capture not only traditional software related user requirements but also pedagogical and learning scenario requirements, as well. A “data driven”, “bottom-up” approach was chosen as only capable to addressthese specific needs.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10506/62
Appears in Collections:Papers

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