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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/10506/399

Title: A Study of Users Expectations for Metadata Repositories of Educational Resources
Authors: Stefanova, Eliza
Nikolova, Nikolina
Kovatcheva, Eugenia
Stefanov, Krassen
Boytchev, Pavel
Keywords: digital repositories
knowledge sharing
educational resources
Issue Date: 11-Sep-2010
Publisher: Sofia University
Citation: E., Stefanova, E., Nikolova, N., Kovatcheva, E.,Stefanov, K., Boytchev, P., A Study of Users Expectations for Metadata Repositories of Educational Resources, Second International Conference S3T, September 11-12, 2010, Varna, Bulgaria , 2010, ISBN 978-954-9526-71-4
Abstract: This paper presents the role of contemporary digital libraries with educational resources in Europe. The importance of enriching digital resources with complete, descriptive and accurate metadata is discussed as well as how these metadata are supported within an European project – Share.TEC. The paper presents the results of a workshop with members of the project target group. The participants were asked to complete a questionnaire and provide feedback about specific issues related to the metadata of digital resources for teacher education community. The results of the workshop are discussed and analysed. They were used for future improvements of the Share.TEC system.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10506/399
ISBN: 978-954-9526-71-4
Appears in Collections:Papers

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