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Title: Limits of Validity of the Bulgarian “Law of the Transition”
Other Titles: Граници на валидност на българското "право на прехода"
Authors: Toneva, Linka
Keywords: Bulgaria
Bulgarian transition
law in Bulgaria
legal system
legal regulation
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press
Citation: Тонева, Линка. Граници на валидност на българското „право на прехода“ // Предизвикателства пред България след присъединяването й към Европейския съюз. София, 2010, с. 26-72.
Abstract: Drawing from recent research on the contemporary social life in Bulgaria, the paper explicates how the historical peculiarity of the “transition” endues thecurrent social processes with qualitative specifi cities which are contradictory to the core preconditions and prerequisites for validity of the “rule of law”. The paper demonstrates the particular limits of the validity of the acting “law” in Bulgaria which, unlike the authentic modern law, is marginalised instead of being the supreme regulator of social interaction, netlike and bound to unequaladdressees instead of being abstract and impersonal, chaotic and fragmentised instead of being systematic and rational, dominated by state- (and thus party) interests instead of being autonomous. Hence the logical conclusion that only limited results could be achieved through interventions of strictly legal nature within these socio-historical conditions.
Description: Linka Toneva is a doctoral student at the Department of European Studies, Sofi a University /Bulgaria/. Her research interests are in the fi eld of the policies for transparency and public access, representation of interests and public partnership in the process of formulation and implementation of the policies of the EU. e-mail: linkatoneva@yahoo.co.uk Линка Тонева е докторант в катедра „Европеистика“ на СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“. Изследователските й интереси са в областта на политиките за прозрачност и публичен достъп, представителството на интереси и публичното партньорство при формиране и осъществяване на политиките на Европейския съюз. e-mail: linkatoneva@yahoo.co.uk
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10506/359
ISBN: 978–954–07–3083–7
Appears in Collections:Статии / Articles

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