Research at Sofia University >
Browsing by Author Niagolov, Georgi
Showing results 2 to 8 of 8
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 2010 | Cleopatra: Shakespeare's Tragic Woman | Niagolov, Georgi |
Dec-2020 | Competent Reading for the 21st Century: Global Trends through a Bulgarian Lens | Niagolov, Georgi |
2006 | Different Ideas about Language | Niagolov, Georgi |
28-Sep-2021 | Medieval English Literature: A Reader | Pancheva, Evgenia; Niagolov, Georgi |
2009 | Plato's Healing Poison, Zeno's Motionless Flight, Shakespeare's Tricky Lies and Schroedinger's Cat's Ghost | Niagolov, Georgi |
2013 | Shakespeare's Wordplay and Possible Worlds | Niagolov, Georgi |
5-Feb-2014 | The Overreader: An Essay on (Con)Textual Magic from Marlowe's Faustus to Shakespeare's Prospero | Niagolov, Georgi |
Showing results 2 to 8 of 8