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Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"

Browsing Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics by Issue Date

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Browsing Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics by Issue Date

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  • Nikolova, Iliana; Nikolov, Roumen; Kovatcheva, Eugenia (In Proceedings, 2-nd Balkan Conference on Informatics,, 2005)
    The paper discusses design and implementation issues of a university course on e-learning, delivered in mixed mode. Reflections on teacher and student experiences are made and conclusions are drawn with regard to content, ...
  • Gachev, Georgi; Nikolova, Iliana (In Proceedings, KAL Workshop, 2005)
    The paper presents a study of Web-based Collaborative Environments (CE) with regard to the type and frequency of the embedded tools. A classification is made by the type of tools most frequently included. A model for ...
  • Stefanov, Krassen (2005)
    The world in which we live and work is changing ever more rapidly. Citizens and the organisations in which they participate find themselves with a corresponding need to learn and adapt in order to cope with changed jobs, ...
  • Gachev, Georgi; Sendova, Evgenia; Nikolova, Iliana (In Gregorczyk, G et al (Eds.) Proceedings, EUROLOGO’2005, 2005)
    The paper presents some observations from the authors’ teaching experience with teachers and students in a Logo and a Toon Talk environment. The effect of having different representations of the same notion is explored in ...
  • Sendova, Evgenia; Nikolova, Iliana; Gachev, George; Moneva, Liliana (In Dimovski, Russev, Nikolova (Eds.) Mathematics and Mathematics education, Proceedings of XXXIV Spring Conference of the UBM., 2005)
    The paper presents research carried out within WebLabs, a European project, where researchers, teachers and young students learn collaboratively in a technology enhanced environment. Some exploratory activities in mathematics ...
  • Sendova, Evgenia; Nikolova, Iliana; Gachev, Georgi (In Proceedings, KAL Workshop,, 2005)
    The paper presents experiences from a 3 year international project, WebLabs: New representational infrastructure for e-learning, in which researchers, teachers and young students from UK, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Sweden, Portugal ...
  • Кръстева, Ива (Софийски Университет "Свети Климент Охридски", 2005-02-07)
    Едно от предизвикателствата, поставени пред съвременното софтуерно инженерство, е увеличаване на качеството на разработваните приложения. Степента на задоволеност на потребителските очаквания определя колко качествено ...
  • Иванова, Надежда (СОФИЙСКИ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ “СВ. КЛИМЕНТ ОХРИДСКИ”, 2005-02-24)
    Дипломната работа е разработена от екип от две дипломантки и представлява WEB сайт, съдържащ информация за традициите в празнуването на някогашните обичаи и обреди на българите. Това включва по-значимите църковни и ...
  • Косева, Камелия (СОФИЙСКИ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ “СВ. КЛИМЕНТ ОХРИДСКИ”, 2005-02-24)
    Дипломната работа е разработена от екип от две дипломантки и представлява WEB сайт, съдържащ информация за традициите в празнуването на някогашните обичаи и обреди на българите. Това включва по-значимите църковни и ...
  • Славкова, Даниела (Софийски университет “Св. Климент Охридски”, 2005-06-28)
    Българските интернет карти са уникална услуга. Те предлагат географски, административни и транспортни карти на България и големите градове. Търсене по име или пощенски код е една ценна възможност, която спестява много ...
  • Великов, Ангел (СОФИЙСКИ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ "Св. КЛИМЕНТ ОХРИДСКИ", 2005-06-28)
    Разработваната дипломна работа разглежда частта от програмният продукт „Хипократ”, която изготвя справките и отчетите, нужни на здравните работници. В по-общ план целите на дипломната работа са: - да се увеличи гъвкавостта ...
    В днешно време сме свидетели на все по-задълбочено използване на информационните технологии в индустрията, особено за интегриране системите на бизнес партньорите и автоматизиране на комуникацията между тях. Предимствата ...
  • Stefanov, Krassen; Stefanova, Eliza (Proceedings of the AIED’05 Workshop “Usage analysis in learning systems”, 2005-07-22)
    We present our experiences for recording and analyzing usage of the Learning System Virtuoso at the University of Sofia. The description follows the structure that emerged from the joint work on the Kaleidoscope DPULS ...
  • Nikolov, Roumen; Stefanov, Krassen; Stefanova, Eliza; Georgiev, Atanas; Boytcheva, Svetla (Proceedings of the ETN-DEC E-learning conference – Knowledge Society, 2005-09-06)
    The presented paper describes development of Advanced Training Institute (ATI) portal for Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL). The ATI portal is an interactive tool presenting FP6 NoE Kaleidoscope project competences to ...
  • Nikolova, Iliana; Luck, Petra; Kovatcheva, Eugenia (Proceedings of International Conference on E-learning, 2005-09-07)
    The paper discusses design and development issues of a course intended for mixed delivery (face-to-face and online) and aiming at enhancing management skills of early years practitioners in order to enhance their labor ...
  • Boytcheva, Svetla; Kovatcheva, Eugenia (Proceedings, International Conference on E-learning, 2005-09-07)
    This paper discusses Adaptive Educational Hypermedia (AEH), which is at present a hot topic of research and an important aim for e-Learning systems. The presented approach is knowledgebased. The domain ontology and the ...
  • Карабашев, Иво (Софийски университет “Св. Климент Охридски”, 2005-09-09)
    Настоящата дипломна работа описва система за проследяване и събиране на статистическа информация от Java приложения. Теоретично се изследват проблемите с неефективното използване на ограничените ресурси при разработване ...
  • Linlin, Sun (Sofia University, 2005-09-09)
    Needs and Problems-- Now in China, the situation of Internet marketing must be changed for better effect. After research, I found there are mainly three problems: • First, the theory knowledge of Internet Marketing is ...
  • Nan, Zhang (Sofia University, 2005-09-09)
    Needs and Problems: As the Internet marketing is a new concept in China, it is still not very well organized now. People are doing Internet Marketing in some wrong way as following: 1. People don’t catch the concept of ...
  • Petrov, Milen; Aleksieva, Adelina; Bontchev, Boyan (Second International Scientific” ,Conference “COMPUTER SCIENCE”, 2005-09-30)
    In the era of Internet and new information and communication technologies one of the most important things is appropriate use of technologies in order to achieve desired results. In present paper, they are compared two ...

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