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Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"

Browsing Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics by Title

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Browsing Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics by Title

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  • Stefanov, Krassen; Nikolova, Nikolina; Ilieva, Miroslava; Stefanova, Eliza (2008-07)
    This paper presents the results of a pre-pilot experiment offered in Bulgaria for teachers’ trainers who have to update their skills using ICT in teaching. The pre-pilot became a synergy of results of two European projects ...
  • Lekova, A.; Georgieva, O. (Fourth International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Systems, 2008-09-06)
    Mobile Wireless Networks (MWNs) context awareness will enable services or applications to adapt their behavior to the network situation by reconfiguring their underlying protocols. We studied whether high-level ...
  • Boytchev, Pavel (Joint IFIP Conference Informatics, Mathematics, and ICT: a "golden triangle", IMICT 2007, Boston, USA, 2007)
    The paper presents research activities carried out within DALEST Project (Developing an Active Learning Environment for the Learning of Stereometry). Some of the computer 3D applications based on Elica are considered ...
  • Miranowicz, Malgorzata; Dodero, Gabriella; Stefanova, Eliza; Ratcheva, Desislava; Burewicz, Andrzej (Proceedings ot the 13th International Conference on Technology Support Learning & Training - Online Educa Berlin, 2007-11-30)
    New methodology of continuous education offers the opportunity to acquire new skills as well as general social skills in a flexible and synchronic manner. It also allows to learn and develop newly acquired knowledge by ...
  • Stoykova, Velislava; Lozanov, Chavdar (Sofia University, 2010-09-11)
    In this work1 we offer a space representation of a model of Bulgarian nominal inflectional morphology for the feature of definiteness using orthogonal semantic networks. A geometrical interpretation of the encoded network ...
  • Христов, Цветомир (СУ “Св. Климент Охридски”, 2006-07-19)
    В дипломната работа е направен преглед технологиите за виртуални частни мрежи(VPN), основни изисквания към тях и приложение им. Разгледани са всички съвременни решения за VPN и е обърнато специално внимание протокола ...
  • Stamenov, Alexander; Koychev, Ivan (Demetra EOOD, 2009-10-29)
    From the early days of development of Artificial Intelligence, there was a strong in-terest in applications in the area of medicine. The interest was strong enough to form a separate branch in the early ‘80s entitled ...
  • Kovatcheva, Eugenia; Kommers, Piet (International Journal of Web Based Communities (IJWBC), Vol.1 - Issue 1 – 2004,, 2004)
    The internet new media creates new types of communities – online or web-based communities in virtual reality. Everyone, to a certain degree, is involved in building and creating online communities. The main aim of ...
  • Sendova, Evgenia; Nikolova, Iliana; Gachev, George; Moneva, Liliana (In Dimovski, Russev, Nikolova (Eds.) Mathematics and Mathematics education, Proceedings of XXXIV Spring Conference of the UBM., 2005)
    The paper presents research carried out within WebLabs, a European project, where researchers, teachers and young students learn collaboratively in a technology enhanced environment. Some exploratory activities in mathematics ...
  • Sendova, Evgenia; Nikolova, Iliana; Gachev, Georgi (In Proceedings, KAL Workshop,, 2005)
    The paper presents experiences from a 3 year international project, WebLabs: New representational infrastructure for e-learning, in which researchers, teachers and young students from UK, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Sweden, Portugal ...
  • Bontchev, Boyan; Danev, Slav; Sharlandjiev, Assen (2008-01-18)
    The financial services industry offers great opportunities both for the investors and for the companies providing services to the investors. Most of the existing Web sites offer similar services such as stock/index/options ...
  • Андреев, Ивелин (Софийски Университет “Св. Климент Охридски”, 2007-07-09)
    Целта на дипломната работа е да се създаде уеб-базиран интерфейс към база данни с лабораторни изследвания, който да се интегрира с вече съществуващата лабораторна информационна система(ЛИС) “Мултилаб” на фирма Гамаконсулт. ...
  • Косева, Камелия (СОФИЙСКИ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ “СВ. КЛИМЕНТ ОХРИДСКИ”, 2005-02-24)
    Дипломната работа е разработена от екип от две дипломантки и представлява WEB сайт, съдържащ информация за традициите в празнуването на някогашните обичаи и обреди на българите. Това включва по-значимите църковни и ...
  • Иванова, Надежда (СОФИЙСКИ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ “СВ. КЛИМЕНТ ОХРИДСКИ”, 2005-02-24)
    Дипломната работа е разработена от екип от две дипломантки и представлява WEB сайт, съдържащ информация за традициите в празнуването на някогашните обичаи и обреди на българите. Това включва по-значимите църковни и ...
  • Stavru, Stavros (2013-10-12)
    This technical report consolidates the state of academic research on organizational values through a systematic review of literature published over the past 51 years. The search strategy identified 361 peer-reviewed journal ...
  • Stefanova, Eliza; Sendova, Evgenia; Nikolova, Iliana; Nikolova, Nikolina (Benzie D. and Iding M. (Eds). Joint IFIP Conference: WG3.1 Secondary Education, WG3.5 Primary Education: Informatics, Mathematics, and ICT: a ‘golden triangle’ IMICT 2007 Proceeding, 2007)
    The paper presents research findings and pilot experiences related to the development and validation of an innovative methodology for building ICT-enhanced skills. The concept of ICT-enhanced skills and the essence of ...
  • Boytchev, Pavel (Springer-Verlag, 2011-10)
    This paper describes one unplanned experiment of a 6th grade student writing her first computer program for 3D graphics before learning any programming language. Some intriguing aspects in her program are analyzed, especially ...
  • Boytchev, Pavel (11th European Logo Conference EuroLogo 2007, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 2007)
    How do we teach children to express and communicate ideas in a formal and informal mode? What type of language do they need in a concrete context? How should they determine a proper level of formalization of their descriptions? ...
  • Лаврова, Антония (Софийски университет “Св. Климент Охридски”, 2006-10-16)
    През последните 15 години софтуерът се използва все повече в продукти, които традиционно са предмет на разбработване от механиката и електроинженерството. Това важи особено за автомобилната индустрия, където голяма част ...
  • Христова, Вероника (СУ “Св. Климент Охридски”, 2006-06-19)
    Надеждното идентифициране на личността е важен проблем, имащ отражение в различни сфери на живота. Биометрията, основана на разпознаването на характерни отличителни белези на човека (например лице, пръстови отпечатъци, ...

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