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Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"

Browsing Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics by Issue Date

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Browsing Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics by Issue Date

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    В тази дипломна работа, системите, които стоят на централно място и върху които се фокусира цялото внимание, са уеб базирани. Основни черти, които ги характеризират са големия брой конкурентни потребители, представянето ...
  • Николов, Николай (Софийски университет “Св. Климент Охридски”, 2007-10-23)
    Дипломната работа реализира Windows базиран модул, който подпомага дейността по визуализиране на връзките между данни и география посредством опростен графичен редактор. Модулът си взаимодейства с GPS приемник инсталиран ...
  • Копчева, Силвия (Софийски университет “Св. Климент Охридски”, 2007-10-23)
    Все по-нарастващ е броят на хората, които избират да проверяват знанията си посредством услугите на Интернет. Все повече преподаватели предпочитат освен общоприетата, традиционна форма на изпитване да ползват услугите ...
  • Венков, Стойо (СУ „Св. Климент Охридски”, 2007-10-23)
    Дипломната работа е разработена за Центъра по Молекулярна Медицина в България. Поставени са следните три основни цели: • да се опишат процесите по регистриране и изследване на ДНК проби в центъра • да специфицира ...
  • Николова, Надя (2007-10-25)
    В пленарните и панелни сесии участниците ще могат да дискутират възможностите за подобряване на иновационната инфраструктура, за да се отговори на технологичните и иновационни нужди на индустрията и да се насърчи процеса ...
  • Miranowicz, Malgorzata; Dodero, Gabriella; Stefanova, Eliza; Ratcheva, Desislava; Burewicz, Andrzej (Proceedings ot the 13th International Conference on Technology Support Learning & Training - Online Educa Berlin, 2007-11-30)
    New methodology of continuous education offers the opportunity to acquire new skills as well as general social skills in a flexible and synchronic manner. It also allows to learn and develop newly acquired knowledge by ...
  • Berberova, Diana; Bontchev, Boyan (2008)
    In the last decade, several proposals have been done for construction of aspectoriented system for testing software products. The article presents results from design and development of a new aspect-oriented system for ...
  • Nikolov, Roumen; Gourova, Elissaveta; Nisheva, Maria (2008)
    The aim of this paper is to share the experience gained at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (FMI), Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (SU), in the up to now work within the scope of a project funded by the ...
  • Николов, Румен; Гурова, Елисавета; Русков, Петко (Автоматика и информатика, 2008)
    Специфичната програма „Капацитет” на Седма рамкова програма на ЕС (7РП) цели да допринесе за развитието на науката и технологиите в периферни региони на ЕС и в региони с БВП по-малък от 75% на средния за ЕС [1]. Един от ...
    The adaptive e-learning systems are a hot topic of educational research. The approach presented is a knowledge-based. There are several types of adaptation of an e-learning system to the learner: content adaptation, ...
  • Nikolov, Roumen (International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech’08, 2008)
    This paper analyses the specifics and the tendencies in building the knowledge society as well as the role of the universities in this process. Some European policies and programs dedicated to the new role of the ...
  • Nikolov, Roumen; Ilieva, Sylvia (SEESE Workshop on ICSE 2008, ACM Digital Library, 2008)
    Like all other New Member States (NMS) Bulgaria is experiencing a dramatic change in all areas of its society. These changes reflect very seriously on the research capacity of the country and, in particular to Sofia ...
  • Ruskov, Petko; Todorova, Yanka; Nikolov, Roumen (International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development - ICEIRD2008: Skopje/Ohrid, Macedonia, 2008)
  • Georgieva, Olga; Klawonn, F. (Applied Soft Computing- Special Issue on Dynamic Data Mining, 2008)
    Discovering interesting patterns or substructures in data streams is an important challenge in data mining. Clustering algorithm are very often applied to identify substructures, although they are designed to partition ...
  • Nikolov, Roumen; Nikolova, Iliana (Internationa Hanbook for IT in Secondary Education. Springer, 2008)
    This chapter discusses the role of ICT as a catalyst of a new global educational reform in schools aimed to break the monopoly of the print and paper based educational system. Some basic definitions are given although ...
  • Bontchev, Boyan (2008-01-18)
    Mobile gaming is growing alongside voice communication and exchanging text messages into an essential area of application for mobile devices. The paper presents architectural and user features of a new chess game, which ...
  • Bontchev, Boyan; Ilieva, Sylvia (2008-01-18)
    Nowadays, with steadily increasing number of various markup languages and their dialects, application developers need more often to rewrite the presentation in order to support more client devices. Java programmers using ...
  • Bontchev, Boyan; Danev, Slav; Sharlandjiev, Assen (2008-01-18)
    The financial services industry offers great opportunities both for the investors and for the companies providing services to the investors. Most of the existing Web sites offer similar services such as stock/index/options ...
  • Tsvetanov, Yasen (2008-01-18)
    This paper wants to present the possibility for IT use like a tool for educational problem solving, as well as the problems following IT implementation. Great IT features does not ensure great advantages – incorrect IT use ...
  • Tsvetanov, Yasen (2008-01-18)
    Universities and their preparation level are every nation majority. EU universities education level and Bulgarian universities education level have difference and this difference is more than acceptable. Do Business Processes ...

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