dc.contributor.author |
Шаркова, Савина |
dc.contributor.author |
Sharkova, Savina |
dc.coverage.spatial |
bulgarian |
bg |
dc.date.accessioned |
2011-05-20T11:25:35Z |
dc.date.available |
2011-05-20T11:25:35Z |
dc.date.issued |
2011 |
dc.identifier.citation |
Шаркова, Савина. Социалистическата жена между публичното и частното (1967 – 1973): визии, противоречия и политически действия през социализма в България. (Анализ на Решението на Политбюро на ЦК на БКП от 6 март 1973 г. За издигане ролята на жената в изграждането на развитото социалистическо общество). // Год. СУ "Св. Климент Охридски", Философски факултет, Книга Социология, Т. 103, 2011, с. 61-80, <http://hdl.handle.net/10506/468>. |
bg |
dc.identifier.uri |
http://hdl.handle.net/10506/474 |
dc.description.abstract |
Based on the analysis of a key document on the understanding of the BCP’s policies concerning women in the 1970s in Bulgaria – the decision Increasing the Female Role in Building the Developed Socialist Society (March 6, 1973) – This paper is an attempt to show the constant contradictions in the images and roles that the official ideology prescribes to women, and the constantly fluctuating boundary between private and public, in which women are placed, as the analysis is focused on the context of the actual creation of the above mentioned document. In the foreground are presented the actors partaken in the creation and implementation of the concept of Increasing the Female Role in Building the Developed Socialist Society to the final Decision of the BCP’s Politburo, represented by the leadership of the Committee of the Bulgarian Women and the editorial body of “The Woman Today” magazine. The paper analyses their ideological and political positions on the “official” leadership, as well as their positions as females, carrying the burden of the consequences of the Party’s policies on women and, on the other hand, it analyses the effects of these positions on the analyzed document and the nature of the policies it prescribes. |
bg |
dc.language.iso |
bg |
bg |
dc.title |
Социалистическата жена между публичното и частното (1967 – 1973): визии, противоречия и политически действия през социализма в България. (Анализ на Решението на Политбюро на ЦК на БКП от 6 март 1973 г. За издигане ролята на жената в изграждането на развитото социалистическо общество) |
bg |
dc.title.alternative |
The Socialist Woman Between the Public and the Private (1967-1973): Visions, Contradictions and Political Actions During the Socialism in Bulgaria |
bg |
dc.type |
journal article |
bg |
dc.source.peerreview |
yes |
bg |
dc.source.impactfactor |
yes |
bg |