Under the conditions of today the citizens of the European Union face different
and complex challenges in terms of economic crises, political, environmental
and social change. If we add these challenges to the recent uncertainty
(before the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty) about the institutional development
of the Union, the debate about the future of Europe becomes very topical.
Despite of the importance of the challenges the EU faces today its future has
rarely been discussed from the point of view of its around 94 million citizens under
the age of 18. This means from the perspective of every fi fth European citizen.
In the last few years, the visibility of children’s issues at EU level has
grown signifi cantly. Some actions related directly to children have been taken,
for example in the fi eld of child poverty, social inclusion, child protection, etc.
There is also a common understanding that children may be negatively affected
by the impact of EU policies of which they are not the primary target, for instance
in the fi eld of employment or environmental policies. All this led in 2006
to the publication of the Commission’s Communication entitled “Towards an
EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child”.
Nevertheless a number of obstacles currently remain in developing a coherent
EU approach: the legal basis for child policy in primary EU law is relatively
limited; children’s interests are fairly invisible at EU level; opportunities
for child participation are very limited; current action is fragmented and lacks
co-ordination. A way forward to address some of these challenges is the elaboration
of an integrated EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child.
Rumyana Kamberska-Ivanova is a Ph.D. candidate in European Studies Department,
Sofia University /Bulgaria/. Her research interests are focused on EU enlargement policy(political criteria for membership, social policy, justice and home affairs), as well as on Bulgaria’s EU membership and its effect on child welfare policy-making. е-mail:rkamberska@gmail.com Румяна Камберска-Иванова е докторант в катедра „Европеистика“
на Софийския университет „Св. Климент Охридски“. Нейните изследователски интереси са насочени в областта на политиката на разширяване на Европейския съюз (политически критерии за членство, социална политика, правосъдие и вътрешен ред), както и върху членството на Република България в ЕС и неговия ефект върху разработването на политики за деца.
e-mail: rkamberska@gmail.com