Research Archive
Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"

Browsing Faculty of Economics and Business Administration by Title

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Browsing Faculty of Economics and Business Administration by Title

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  • Petkova-Gourbalova, Iya (Publishing house "St. Kliment Ohridski", 2008-10-01)
    Nowadays, political life is more and more interrelated to business issues. When a particular activity blends with another one, then the attempts for clarifying this activity requires much more efforts. One of the newly ...
  • Kassabova, Kamelia (2013-04-11)
    В статията е изследван фактическият състав на сключване на договори за управление на АД.
  • Mengov, George; Todorova, Olga (Publishing house "St. Kliment Ohridski", 2009-12)
    Managerial Experience and Negative Affect in a Hypothetical Choice of a ManagerWe report an experiment about people’s propensity to take sub-optimal managerial decisions due to negative affect. Based on previous research ...
  • Kassabova, Kamelia (2013-04-11)
    В статията се аргументира икономическият ефект от участие в организираната търговия на фондовата борса чрез използване на заемни средства - на пари или на финансови инструменти. Използването на заемни средства стои в ...
  • Krasteva, Neviana (2013-03-20)
    Разделът от книгата, разработен от кандидата, е посветен на особеностите на потребителския профил на българина, специфичните особености, които трябва да отчитат чуждестранните инвеститори, когато правят бизнес в България.
  • Krasteva, Neviana (Publishing House Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, 2011-11-01)
    The study investigates the basic principles of marketing research and gives examples from fairy tales for the importance and possible implementation of marketing theory.
  • Kassabova, Kamelia (2013-04-11)
    В статията па¬зар¬ните зло¬у¬пот¬ре¬би с фи¬нан¬со¬ви ин¬с¬т¬ру¬мен¬ти се упот¬ре¬бя¬ва ка¬то ро¬до¬во по¬ня¬тие, в ко¬е¬то се включ¬ват ня-кол¬ко са¬мос¬то¬я¬тел¬ни фак¬ти¬чес¬ки със¬та¬ва. Хи¬по¬те¬зите на тър¬го¬ви¬я¬ ...
  • Kondzhov, Tony (2013-04-21)
    Изходната позиция в тази публикация е , че Маркс не е развил своите постановки за пазарната стойност до крайната логическа точка, която може да се достигне чрез неговия начин на разсъждение. Прави се опит за достигане ...
  • Kassabova, Kamelia (2013-04-11)
    Статията анализира появата и значението на понятието „финансов инструмент“, тъй като преди въвеждането му бъл-гар¬с¬ка¬та нор¬ма¬тив¬на уред¬ба и прав¬на на¬у¬ка си слу¬жеха са¬мо с по¬ня¬ти¬е¬то “цен¬на кни¬га”. Обяснението ...
  • Komitska, Milena (Publishing house "St. Kliment Ohridski", 2008-10-01)
    This study represents the first attempt to apply BPM techniques for measurement and optimization of transaction costs of a service, delivered by one of the Bulgarian administrative units - the Ministry of Health.. Here the ...
  • Mihaylova, Gergana (Publishing house "St. Kliment Ohridski", 2008-10-01)
    The measurement of the financial wealth is very important especially in countries, whichhas significant external imbalances like Bulgaria. The change in the financial position of institutional sectors could point out the ...
  • Ivanova, Maria (2013-03-20)
    Wallis and North (1986) construct a measurement of the transaction costs and name it transaction sector. They warn that the growth of its size may result from different reasons and not necessarily be due to newly invested ...
  • Chobanov, George; Egbert, Henrik; Sedlarski, Teodor (Publishing house "St. Kliment Ohridski", 2008-10-01)
    Our paper focuses on the dynamics of the transaction sector in Bulgaria. We use a measuring strategy which had been first applied by Wallis and North in 1986. We find an increase in the transaction sector within a period ...
  • Georgiev, Roumen (2013-02-13)
    The processes of formation of interest rates in the country in the conditions of economic crisis and the influence of currency board on it is studied. The approach is a systematic one and is based on the conceptions ...
  • Vladimirov, Zheliu (2013-03-26)
    This chapter considers the extent of the transfer of the European Social Model (ESM) of employment relations into Bulgaria through examining the examples of French multinational companies (MNCs). The choice of French MNC ...
  • Dimitrova, Kalina (Publishing House Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, 2011-11-01)
    There are two aspects through which economic policy could influence the situation of the economy – monetary and fiscal. Monetary and fiscal policies have different and sometimes controversial goals to achieve by the means ...
  • Mileva, Sonia (2013-04-21)
    Ефектите от образованието са много, различни и комплексни като проява и въздействие. Статията фокусира върху проявата на диахронния, мултипликационния и ефекта на акселерация като следствия от образованието във висшите ...
  • Mengov, George (2013-03-20)
    We focus on aspects of the neurobiological approach to modelling human decision making. We outline three differential equations, which comprise the heart of the method and give an example how they have been used in a neural ...
  • Egbert, Henrik; Ivanova, Maria; Chobanov, George (2013-03-20)
    Chobanov and Egbert (2007) measured the transaction sector between 1997 and 2003 for the Bulgarian economy. They report an increase in the transaction sector from below 40% to more than 50% of GDP. This indicates a fundamental ...

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