The paper is a brief historical analysis and outline of the contemporary issues of the ‘open access’ initiative. The beginning of the ‘OA’ movement to scientific publica-tions emerged in the 90’s of the 20th century and was associated with the possibilities of providing free and quick access for scientists to scientific information online, as well as the idea of overcoming financial barriers. The main ideas of forums, held at Budapest (2001), Bethesda (2003) and Berlin (2003) are presented together with the main courses – the „green“ and the „golden“ roads, their advantages and shortcomings. An attempt is made of an evaluation of the chances of acceptance and application of the two strategies by the scientific community, publishers of periodicals. Barriers and challenges before OA are presented. The conclusion is made that part of specialists consider OA a revolution in scientific communications. They are aware of the high expenses and low productivity of the traditional approach for ensuring access to scientific knowledge and also review the occurring processes as a catalyst to changes in the philosophy of the organization of research work towards a road leading to higher quality and efficiency. The expectations are that the changes shall be fundamental, thus exercising their influ-ence on the entire chain of research as a whole. The evaluations in the paper are carried on the basis of analyses and studies of the evolution of open access in the past decade. On this ground the conclusion is drawn, that in spite of the difficulties, barriers and re-sistance, achievements so far speak of optimism for OA. The first steps are taken in this respect towards the creation of a more effective and cheaper global network for com-munication in science, which possess and distribute enormous data bases. The system should outline the road to coordination and relationship within particular fields of knowledge. It should also resolve a basic question, namely the possibility of the repre-sentatives of research communities at large, regardless where they are, to work in an interactive mode throughout the entire research cycle – from the exchange of ideas, research methods, instruments, data, information to the final result and knowledge. The idea became popular through the term ‘social productivity’. It shall lead to a change in the work of researchers and the philosophy of science. Such changes shall have a deci-sive role not only for researchers and library information specialists, but also for the research community at large and the participants in the communication chain - authors, publishers, distributers of information and literature, bookshops, advertising agencies, creators of data bases, together with management bodies and commissions, dealing with knowledge and information. It is early to claim a light transformation and substitution of communication channels in science. Traditions and conservatism, even conflicts offer some advantages. What is essential is that in the coming years a balance is reached. Hope for this is to a great extent in OA.