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Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"

Управленски опит и отрицателни емоции при хипотетичен избор на мениджър.

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Show simple item record Mengov, George Todorova, O
dc.coverage.spatial bulgarian bg 2013-03-20T15:58:06Z 2013-03-20T15:58:06Z 2013-03-20
dc.description Менгов, Г. и Тодорова, О. (2009) Управленски опит и отрицателни емоции при хипотетичен избор на мениджър. Годишник на СУ „Св. Климент Охридски” – Стопански факултет, (ISSN 1311-8420), том 8, 167-178. Mengov, G. & Todorova, O. (2009) Managerial experience and negative affect in a hypothetical choice of a manager. Yearbook of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, vol. 8, 167-178. bg
dc.description.abstract We report an experiment about people’s propensity to take sub-optimal managerial decisions due to negative affect. Based on previous research (Ratner & Herbst, 2005), we conduct a study into the factors that lead individuals to switch away from their previous choice of a manager with the better history of success. As expected, an unfavourable outcome in the experiment provoked regret; and the greater it was, the more inclined were some people to abandon their original choice. In contrast, factors such as age, managerial experience, social status, education, and self-confidence were essential in retaining the initially chosen manager. bg
dc.language.iso bg bg
dc.subject Hypothetical choices, Managerial decision making, Personnel selection, Regret, Negative affect bg
dc.title Управленски опит и отрицателни емоции при хипотетичен избор на мениджър. bg
dc.type journal article bg
dc.source.peerreview yes bg
dc.source.impactfactor yes bg

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