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Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"

Обективна вероятност и експертна увереност.

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Show simple item record Mengov, George
dc.coverage.spatial bulgarian bg 2013-03-20T15:57:40Z 2013-03-20T15:57:40Z 2013-03-20
dc.description Менгов, Г. (2009) Обективна вероятност и експертна увереност. Машиностроене и машинознание. Серия: Икономика и мениджмънт (ISSN 1312-8612), 4 (3), 44-48. Mengov, G. (2009) Objective probability and expert belief. Machine Building and Machine Science: Economics and Management Series, 4 (3), 44-48. bg
dc.description.abstract We discuss some unexpected relations between subjective belief and Bayesian posterior probability. Drawing upon achievements from the late 20th and early 21st century regarding people’s ability to be excellent Bayesian statisticians, we analyze how the reliability of an expert’s estimate could affect important decisions. bg
dc.language.iso bg bg
dc.subject Bayesian statistics, Reliability of expert estimates bg
dc.title Обективна вероятност и експертна увереност. bg
dc.type journal article bg
dc.source.peerreview yes bg
dc.source.impactfactor yes bg

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