Research Archive
Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"

Browsing by Author "Yordanova, Stanimira"

DSpace/Manakin Repository

Browsing by Author "Yordanova, Stanimira"

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  • Yordanova, Stanimira (Bulgarian Academy of Science, 2008-09-03)
    The 7FP project SISTER focuses, especially, on strengthening the PhD and PostDoc level of education and training of researchers, and thus attracting more young scientists to the research profession and retaining them. The ...
  • Yordanova, Stanimira (2008-10-30)
    This workshop is organized by the EU 6th Framework Integrated Project TENCompetence ( The goal of the workshop is to identify and analyse state-of-the-art research and technologies in the fields that ...