Research Archive
Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"

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  • Zhivkov, Vladislav (Aberystwyth University, 2008-08-13)
    Този модул е увод в DSpace, неговата история и организацията DuraSpace. Модулът въвежда какво е DSpace и за какво може да се използва. Той описва метода на разработка на DSpace и разказва за DuraSpace, организацията която ...
  • Zhivkov, Vladislav (Aberystwyth University, 2008-08-13)
    Този модул въвъжда концепцията за метаданни и защо се използват. Обяснено е използването на метаданни в DSpace и как те се кодират и съхраняват. Разгледан е регистърът на метаданни, който съдържа различни схеми на метаданни. ...
  • Zhivkov, Vladislav (Aberystwyth University, 2008-08-13)
    Този модул въвежда концепцията за потребители и групи в DSpace. Потребителите се нуждаят от сметки, за да могат да се идентифицират и да депозират или редактират публикации. Логически колекции от потребители могат да бъдат ...
  • Zhivkov, Vladislav (Aberystwyth University, 2008-08-14)
    Този модул разширва знанията, придобити в модул 'Увод в потребители и групи', който въвежда концепциите за идентификация и достъпи. Обсъжда се управление на групи и това знание се затвърждава, чрез създаване на нов ...
  • Zhivkov, Vladislav (2012-05-16)
    Пакетно Редактиране на Данни в DSpace 1.6+
  • Georgieva, Olga; Klawonn, F. (Applied Soft Computing- Special Issue on Dynamic Data Mining, 2008)
    Discovering interesting patterns or substructures in data streams is an important challenge in data mining. Clustering algorithm are very often applied to identify substructures, although they are designed to partition ...
  • Dorina, Kabakchieva (2010-03-17)
    E4 collaboration environment is an effective, integrated, easy to understand, user friendly and low cost platform for knowledge management in a SME
  • Goga, Maria (Demetra EOOD, 2010)
    The E-learning system requires more competencies then the ones from traditional education. In Romania this E-learning system is just born and the status of the tutor is unclear. The tutor does not have a clear psycho-pedagogical ...
  • Mengov, George; Georgiev, N (2013-03-20)
    Forecasting economic behaviour is an important problem with practical implications for a number of scientific disciplines, including microeconomics, macroeconomics, marketing, and economic psychology. The ability to predict ...
  • Mengov, George; Nikolova, Svetla (Publishing house "St. Kliment Ohridski", 2009-12)
    We briefly review the state-of-the-art in decision studies and suggest that a promising way forward is offered by the mathematical theory of Pavlovian conditioning (Grossberg & Schmajuk, 1987) and by its subset, Affective ...
  • Nikolov, Roumen; Ilieva, Sylvia (ITALICS e-Journal, October Issue: Innovative Methods of Teaching Programming, 2007-10)
    The paper presents some real experiences, emerging models and lessons learnt based on the case of Sofia University - Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (FMI), and its partners. Sofia University has always played a ...
  • Todorova, Albena; Osburg, Thomas (Demetra EOOD, 2010)
    Empirically-based and theoretical approaches to the question how to prepare young people to succeed in the conditions of global knowledge economy argue for a more pronounced role of formal education in developing students’ ...
  • Egbert, Henrik; Mengov, George (2013-03-20)
    This article investigates the role that emotions play in economic decisions. In a computer-based experiment, our participants were the consumers of a fictitious service bearing resemblance to what the mobile phone operators’ ...
  • Симеонов, Иво (С О Ф И Й С К И У Н И В Е Р С И Т Е Т " С В . К Л И М Е Н Т О Х Р И Д С К И ", 2007-02-12)
    Широкото разпространение на езика за програмиране Java наложи разработката на платформи, върху която да може да се разработват промишлени (enterprise) приложения. Основна част от такива платформи заема EJB Container ...
  • Nikolova, Iliana; Nikolov, Roumen; Kovatcheva, Eugenia (Proceedings, 2-nd Balkan Conference on Informatics, 2005-11-17)
    The paper discusses design and implementation issues of a university course on elearning, delivered in mixed mode. Reflections on teacher and student experiences are made and conclusions are drawn with regard to content, ...
  • Nikolova, Iliana; Nikolov, Roumen; Kovatcheva, Eugenia (In Proceedings, 2-nd Balkan Conference on Informatics,, 2005)
    The paper discusses design and implementation issues of a university course on e-learning, delivered in mixed mode. Reflections on teacher and student experiences are made and conclusions are drawn with regard to content, ...
  • Nikolova, Iliana; Luck, Petra; Kovatcheva, Eugenia (Proceedings of International Conference on E-learning, 2005-09-07)
    The paper discusses design and development issues of a course intended for mixed delivery (face-to-face and online) and aiming at enhancing management skills of early years practitioners in order to enhance their labor ...
  • Yakova, Zornitsa; Peltekova, Elitsa (Sofia University, 2010-09-11)
    This paper deals with the e-learning software tool Packet Tracer and how it helps in the development of a complex skill-based assessment for a network competition. As networking systems continue to evolve in complexity ...