Research at Sofia University >
Browsing by Author Kassabova, Kamelia
Showing results 5 to 22 of 22
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 11-Apr-2013 | Layability for unauthorized transactions by payment cards. Journal “Commercial law” № 2, p. 18-38 (in Bulgarian) | Kassabova, Kamelia |
11-Apr-2013 | Legal aspects of financial instrument. With terminology dictionary. Sofia, Publishing hause “Labour and Law”, 2007 (in Bulgarian) | Kassabova, Kamelia |
11-Apr-2013 | Management contracts for joint stock company. Journal “Commercial and competition law”, № 6 (in Bulgarian) | Kassabova, Kamelia |
11-Apr-2013 | Margin purchases, Short sells and loan of financial instruments. Journal “Commercial law” № 3 (in Bulgarian) | Kassabova, Kamelia |
11-Apr-2013 | Market manipulations with financial instruments. Journal “Market and Law” № 5 (in Bulgarian) | Kassabova, Kamelia |
11-Apr-2013 | Meanings of the concept of financial instrument. Anniversary collection “Europian perspectives”, Sofia (in Bulgarian) | Kassabova, Kamelia |
11-Apr-2013 | Payment cards – instrument for not present transaction. Sofia, Publishing hause ”Market and Law”, 2012, (in Bulgarian) | Kassabova, Kamelia |
11-Apr-2013 | Personalized security features of the payment card (PIN, CVx2, MasterCard SecureCode, Verified by Visa). Journal “Finances and law” № 6, p. 12-24 (in Bulgarian) | Kassabova, Kamelia |
11-Apr-2013 | Protection of shareholders in general and public J.S.C. Sofia, Publishing hause “Labour and Law”, 2010 (in Bulgarian) | Kassabova, Kamelia |
11-Apr-2013 | Protection of shareholders in increasing the capital of a J.S.C. by kind contributions. Journal “Commercial and competition law”, № 9 (in Bulgarian | Kassabova, Kamelia |
11-Apr-2013 | Responsibility for execution of a payment order with wrong IBAN. Journal “Commercial and competition law”, № 9, p. 18-27 (in Bulgarian) | Kassabova, Kamelia |
11-Apr-2013 | Shareholder’s right to leave the company in transformation and to ask his shares to be bought. Journal “Commercial and competition law”, № 10 (in Bulgarian) | Kassabova, Kamelia |
11-Apr-2013 | Special rules for conclusion of a contracts by joint stock company (art. 236 CL). Journal “Commercial and competition law”, № 10 (in Bulgarian) | Kassabova, Kamelia |
11-Apr-2013 | Units of a collective investment undertakings as а financial instrument. Journal “Market and Law” № 12 | Kassabova, Kamelia |
11-Apr-2013 | Warrant. Journal “Commercial and competition law”, № 4 (in Bulgarian) | Kassabova, Kamelia |
11-Apr-2013 | Who carries the “liability” for unauthorized transaction by an illegally copied payment card. Journal “Commercial and competition law”, № 8 (in Bulgarian) | Kassabova, Kamelia |
11-Apr-2013 | Ор¬t¬iоns and Futures as derivative financial instruments. Journal “Commercial Law” № 2 (in Bulgarian) | Kassabova, Kamelia |
11-Apr-2013 | Тhe e-money and prepaid cards. Journal “Commercial and competition law”, № 6, p. 16-26 (in Bulgarian) | Kassabova, Kamelia |
Showing results 5 to 22 of 22